Øyvind Eide: research

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Øyvind Eide is a professor in Digital Humanities at the University of Cologne. He holds a PhD in Digital Humanities from King's College London (2013). He was an employee in various positions at The University of Oslo from 1995 to 2013, working on digital humanities and cultural heritage informatics. From 2013 to 2015 he was a Lecturer and research associate at The University of Passau. He is the chair of The European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) and also actively engaged in several other international organisations such as The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO), ICOM's International Committee for Documentation (CIDOC) and Cultural Literacy in Europe (CLE).

His research interests are focused on transformative digital intermedia studies, using critical stepwise formalisation as a method for conceptual modelling of cultural heritage information. This is used as a tool for critical engagement with media differences, especially the relationships between texts and maps as media of communication. He is also engaged in theoretical studies of modelling in the humanities as well as beyond.


Modelling Between Digital and Humanities: Thinking in Practice


With links to online versions. This is not yet complete, please write to me if you are missing something.

Some online presentations. More can be found on the PhD project resource page below.

Research blog:

Modelling media boundaries. Theoretical and practical reflections on the space between texts and maps.

The Area Told as a Story

PhD project resource page.

Institutional webpage from The University of Cologne.

Last updated 2018-05-19
Øyvind Eide